What is the relationship between the deceleration of the car and the braking force applied by the driver?
this is a math internal assessment
and my research question is
What is the relationship between the deceleration of the car and the braking force applied by the driver?

provide all the data necessary in tables, graphs, and charts


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The Relationship Between Deceleration of a Car and Braking Force Applied by the Driver


When a driver hits the brakes in a car, the vehicle decelerates due to the braking force applied. Understanding the relationship between deceleration and braking force is crucial for ensuring road safety and optimal vehicle performance. In this study, we aim to investigate and analyze the correlation between the deceleration of a car and the braking force applied by the driver.

Research Question

What is the relationship between the deceleration of the car and the braking force applied by the driver?


We hypothesize that there is a direct proportionality between the deceleration of a car and the braking force applied by the driver. As the braking force increases, the deceleration of the car will also increase.

Data Collection and Analysis

To conduct this study, we will collect data on deceleration and braking force from various car models under controlled conditions. The braking force will be measured using a dynamometer, and deceleration will be calculated based on the change in velocity over time during braking.

Sample Data Table:

Braking Force (N) Deceleration (m/s^2)
1000 3.5
1500 4.2
2000 5.0
2500 5.8
3000 6.5

Graphical Representation

We can represent the relationship between deceleration and braking force using a scatter plot or a line graph. Below is a sample graph showcasing the data collected:



By analyzing the collected data, we can calculate the correlation coefficient to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between deceleration and braking force. A positive correlation coefficient close to 1 would indicate a strong positive relationship between these two variables.


In conclusion, understanding the relationship between deceleration of a car and braking force applied by the driver is essential for enhancing driving safety and performance. Through empirical data collection and analysis, we can quantify this relationship and provide insights for vehicle manufacturers and drivers to optimize braking systems and practices.

By conducting further experiments and expanding the dataset, we can refine our understanding of this relationship and potentially develop predictive models for braking performance based on applied force.


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