1. State the research problem and purpose;
(Describe the purpose of the project by (a) pointing to the fact that there is some dissatisfaction with the current knowledge/practice, (b) defining a goal of the project, (c) suggesting who will benefit, and (d) describing the overall project design and potential outcome. In other words, the purpose statement explains how the new solution the doctoral project is expected to produce)
2. Explain why others would be interested in the outcomes of the study;
3. Conduct literature review to determine what is already known about the problem, what is unknown, and what new information the investigators want us to find.
Additional Resources:
View the video, “What are Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Articles” [3:26]

Part 3 – Brief Literature Review
For the purpose of this assignment consider the following:
1. Review and analyze peer-reviewed literature on your topic.
2. Include a brief summary of the key theories and findings that relate to the issues described in your doctoral project.
3. State what is the level of existing knowledge.

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