Rank the three sources of law, from highest to lowest, and explain why you ranked them in this way.
. Why is it important to understand the sources of law in the study of criminal taw?
What is the purpose of statutory law and the purpose of case law?
Explain why the author of the ebook states that case law is a “powerful source of law”. In what way is it powerful? Please
give a specific example of the use of case law in the criminal law arena.
Define speech under the First Amendment.
Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the First Amendment.
Of the cases listed in Chapter 3 of the ebook on Free Speech, what case do you believe is the most significant and why?
Compare the M’Naghten, irresistible impulse, and substantial capacity tests.
What is the difference between diminished capacity. and the insanity defense?
What was the defendant seeking to do the State v. Hornsby, 484 S.E.2d 869 (1997)? Was he successful?
Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must
demonstrate to evidence lack of consent.
What is are the rape shield laws and why are they used?
How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide statutes?

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