Wildemess management raises a number of theoretical and very practical problems.
The complexity of dealing with wilderness management led Aldo Leopold to develop
his influential land ethic. But other forms of thinking about land and nature have also
driven policies toward the wilderness. For instance, a utilitarian, instrumental approach
to the environment might argue for pursuing whatever policy maximizes benefits to
humans. This perspective could take into consideration the importance of long-term
sustainability while still remaining anthropocentric in its outlook

The instrumental approach was largely responsible for the original disappearance of
wolves from Yellowstone National Park Wolves were seen as a threat to people and
livestock You might think that Leopold’s land ethic would clearly come out in favor of
the reintroduction of wolves. But the situation in fact is more complicated-and might
highlight some larger questions about the land ethic itself. For one thing, Leopold’s
eoocentric theory puts the good of the whole system at its center. But what whole
system? Once the wolves have been gone from a place for many years, that place
itself acquires a new kind of natural balance. Humans might not always like that
balance: in Yellowstone, for instance, the feeling was that there were too many elk and
not enough plants But reintroducing wolves is itself a human interference in the natural
order, even if it’s proposed in order to right a former interference. Perhaps we’re still
mythologizing the wolf, this time seeing it as heroic instead of villainous. On the other
hand, perhaps the very idea of human noninterference in nature is itself an impossible

1: Write a critical evaluation that presents your position on
ecosystems and includes answers to DesJardins Chapter 8 Discussion Question 2: Do
you support reintroducing wolves into the Yellowstone ecosystem? Why or why not?
Respond to those who would oppose your conclusions (201).

In answering Essay Question Topic 1, carefully review, reflect upon, and attempt to
integrate the textbook material covered in DesJardins Chapter 8. Your critical
evaluation should include all the Essential Elements listed in the Essay Writing Guide:
introduction, thesis statement, definitions and examples, 4-6 body paragraphs (4-8
sentences each), arguments, counterargument and response, quotations, and
conclusion- As noted in the Essay Writing Guide, you should “employ [your] critical
thinking skills” and ensure “an evaluative component is central” to your essay-

Write a critical evaluation that presents your position on ecosystems and includes answers to DesJardins

Do you support reintroducing wolves into the Yellowstone ecosystem? Why or why not? Respond to those who would oppose your conclusions




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