Write a short analysis of a professional Title Animation for film, television or the web. A great resource is Art of the Title: http://www.artofthetitle.com/ but you may find a title elsewhere (if not on the web, you may reference a title sequence from Netflix, Disney Plus, HBOmax or Amazon Prime (all services I have access to), but not television unless you can find a link or provide a video screen capture).
Include the link or where you viewed the title sequence, at the top of your document. Discuss the relationship between concept of the program vs. the concept for the title sequence, if the design and motion of the title sequence support the film concept and/or title sequence concept, and why you do or don’t think it was a successful title sequence.
This is a thought essay, not a research paper. I’m not interested in “how it’s made” but rather, if the end design and animation, supports or detracts from the film or title sequence concept.
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