1. In a few sentences, write your own definition of biblical worship:
2. Today, who is eligible to become a priest or a saint? How does one become either?
3. What did Jesus mean when He referred to Himself as “I AM”?
4. How can Christianity worship Jesus and the Father and still be a monotheistic religion?5. Give a biblical definition of the trinity:
6. Define the “New Covenant” and give key Bible verse that explains it:
7. What Is the main reason Christians should go to church? Give a verse to support your answer:
8. Why is biblical preaching a priority for the local church?9. How often do you have communion? When was the last time? Is it a regular priority in your life?10. Have you set aside Sunday as the Lord’s Day? Do you regularly worship God with the local church on the first day of the week? If not, how can you make it a priority?