read and understand signal’s pseudocode before attempting this problem set.
The pseudocode is available on the Signal documentation webpage here: https:
// We also strongly suggest
read the notes Palak has posted for lab 12.
Problem 1 [Review Questions] (10 Points)
Problem 1 Part a [Clipper Chip] (3 Points)
Why wasn’t the Clipper Chip ever actually deployed? What were the main arguments against its deployment?
Problem 1 Part b [Getting Forward Secrecy and Post Compromise Security] (3
Describe the properties of Forward Secrecy and Post Compromise Security. What
are simple ways to get each of these properties independently in a secure messaging
protocol (assuming synchronicity and online communication are easy to get).
Problem 1 Part c [Forward Secrecy] (4 Points)
Why is forward secrecy a helpful property for encrypted messaging systems? How
is the setting of encrypted messaging different than the setting of TLS with respect
to forward secrecy?