Determine the payoffs (profits) for a firm

  Question 2 (20 points) Total industry output is given by =1+2 and the industry demand curve is given by ()==(11+2). If costs are given by ()= ;=1,2, determine the payoffs (profits) for each firm. Question 3 (20 points) Assuming the duopoly described in question...

Analyzing Elasticities and Their Impact on Consumption

Suppose the own price elasticity of demand for a good X is 5, its income elasticity is 1, its advertising elasticity is 4, and the cross-price elasticity of demand between it and good Y is 3. Determine how much the consumption of this good will change if: The price of...

Analyzing the Supply Function for Product X

Suppose the supply function for product X is given by Qxs = 30 + 2Px 4Pz. How much of product X is produced when Px = $600 and Pz = $60? How much of product X is produced when Px = $80 and Pz = $60? Suppose Pz = $60. Determine the supply function and inverse supply...

Hedge Funds: Markets and Securities

Hedge Funds: Markets and Securities I need an 3 page essay (text) and with pictures and bibliography it can have 6 pages. Structure of the paper needs to be: 1) Introduction 2) Methodology 3) Empirical findings 4) Conclusion Then we detail those issues and introduce...