1. Using Erickson’s and Marcia’s concepts, assess your own identity
status. (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
2. What were the most significant experiences in your adolescent
development? (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
3. Differentiate Fluid and Crystalized Intelligence. (MINIMUM OF 250
4. How could job loss in Middle Adulthood be viewed in Erikson’s model? What
would be an alternative view? (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
5. How have you applied concepts from this course (Human Development) to
your personal and /or your professional life? (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
Sample Solution
1. Using Erickson’s and Marcia’s concepts, assess your own identity status. (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
Using Erik Erikson’s and James Marcia’s theories of identity development, I believe that I am currently in the Moratorium stage of my development. According to Erikson, young people are at a pivotal moment in their life when they must decide and commit to a particular direction for their future; this is known as the Moratorium stage. For me personally, I am still exploring different options for my career path and making decisions about where to go from here. Similarly, according to Marcia’s framework ,I would say that my identity status is Diffused because I have yet to make a commitment or firmly identify with any particular lifestyle choices or values . Thus far in my life I have experimented with a range of interests such as music production , web design video game programming etc… but nothing has really “stuck” yet so there is still much exploration left be done before reaching any definitive conclusions regarding who I want become professionally down line .
Sample Solution
1. Using Erickson’s and Marcia’s concepts, assess your own identity status. (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
Using Erik Erikson’s and James Marcia’s theories of identity development, I believe that I am currently in the Moratorium stage of my development. According to Erikson, young people are at a pivotal moment in their life when they must decide and commit to a particular direction for their future; this is known as the Moratorium stage. For me personally, I am still exploring different options for my career path and making decisions about where to go from here. Similarly, according to Marcia’s framework ,I would say that my identity status is Diffused because I have yet to make a commitment or firmly identify with any particular lifestyle choices or values . Thus far in my life I have experimented with a range of interests such as music production , web design video game programming etc… but nothing has really “stuck” yet so there is still much exploration left be done before reaching any definitive conclusions regarding who I want become professionally down line .