“Remittances and Poverty Indicators”
1. Collect the following poverty indicators from your chosen countries (this data can be
obtained mainly from the World Bank and IMF, even though many world economic
organizations will have this data.
For the following poverty indicator values, find 3 annual data points: pre-Covid year:
2019; During-Covid: 2021; Post-Covid: 2022)
i. National Poverty Line
ii. Human Development Index
iii. GDP/capita
iv. Income Inequality
v. Gini Coefficient
vi. Inflation rate
2. Find online and insert brief definitions of each of these poverty indicators. (at least 300
3. Using the Covid Remittance data already obtained in Section-2, #6 (“average remittances
amount of each Covid period”), create a table with all the poverty indicators and remittances
per covid period. Put these 3 tables side-by-side so that the differences between each covid
period can be seen easily.
4. Provide a detailed analysis of the impact of the remittances per the Covid period with poverty.
What kind of relationship do you see? A positive correlation? A negative correlation? Or no
correlaton at all. Which poverty indicator was more sensitive to the changes in remittances?
Any other analysis that you deem relevant should be added. (at least 300 words)
5. List here the references used in this section
General Conclusions of the Paper
Once you have finished with your Analytical Proofreading, write 400-words
summary or conclusion of your final paper. What did you learn from this
research paper?



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