Understanding the role technology plays in advanced primary care to vulnerable populations is vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one global burden of disease OR risk factor in the family population (pediatric, adult, or geriatric) and explore one current evidence-based technology use that can offer improvement of outcomes and access to the population chosen.
This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO):
1. Generate knowledge from clinical practice to improve practice and patient outcomes (EOPSLO# 4, 9).
2. Leads practice inquiry, individually or in partnership with others (EOPSLO# 2, 3, 4, 7).
3. Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and outcomes (EOPSLO# 9).
4. Evaluate the relationships among access, cost, quality, and safety and their influence on healthcare (EOPSLO# 3, 6, 9).
5. Collaborates in planning for transitions across the continuum of care (EOPSLO# 2, 7).
6. Integrates ethical principles in decision-making (EOPSLO# 6, 9).
7. Integrates appropriate technologies for knowledge management to improve healthcare (EOPSLO# 5).
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of care for the family, as well as the individual, and implement changes (EOPSLO# 8).


Technology and Healthcare
-Describe the paradigm shift in healthcare related to technology
-Elaborate how technology can improve health outcomes in your population
Chosen Evidence-Based Technology Use in Disease or Risk Factor
-Describe and summarize the evidence-based technology identified that has been shown to improve the condition or Risk Factor for your patient population chosen.
-Compare and contrast the positives and negatives of using this technology use chosen.


Sample solution

Dante Alighieri played a critical role in the literature world through his poem Divine Comedy that was written in the 14th century. The poem contains Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The Inferno is a description of the nine circles of torment that are found on the earth. It depicts the realms of the people that have gone against the spiritual values and who, instead, have chosen bestial appetite, violence, or fraud and malice. The nine circles of hell are limbo, lust, gluttony, greed and wrath. Others are heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Dante’s Inferno in the perspective of its portrayal of God’s image and the justification of hell. 

In this epic poem, God is portrayed as a super being guilty of multiple weaknesses including being egotistic, unjust, and hypocritical. Dante, in this poem, depicts God as being more human than divine by challenging God’s omnipotence. Additionally, the manner in which Dante describes Hell is in full contradiction to the morals of God as written in the Bible. When god arranges Hell to flatter Himself, He commits egotism, a sin that is common among human beings (Cheney, 2016). The weakness is depicted in Limbo and on the Gate of Hell where, for instance, God sends those who do not worship Him to Hell. This implies that failure to worship Him is a sin.

God is also depicted as lacking justice in His actions thus removing the godly image. The injustice is portrayed by the manner in which the sodomites and opportunists are treated. The opportunists are subjected to banner chasing in their lives after death followed by being stung by insects and maggots. They are known to having done neither good nor bad during their lifetimes and, therefore, justice could have demanded that they be granted a neutral punishment having lived a neutral life. The sodomites are also punished unfairly by God when Brunetto Lattini is condemned to hell despite being a good leader (Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). While he commited sodomy, God chooses to ignore all the other good deeds that Brunetto did.

Finally, God is also portrayed as being hypocritical in His actions, a sin that further diminishes His godliness and makes Him more human. A case in point is when God condemns the sin of egotism and goes ahead to commit it repeatedly. Proverbs 29:23 states that “arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected.” When Slattery condemns Dante’s human state as being weak, doubtful, and limited, he is proving God’s hypocrisy because He is also human (Verdicchio, 2015). The actions of God in Hell as portrayed by Dante are inconsistent with the Biblical literature. Both Dante and God are prone to making mistakes, something common among human beings thus making God more human.

To wrap it up, Dante portrays God is more human since He commits the same sins that humans commit: egotism, hypocrisy, and injustice. Hell is justified as being a destination for victims of the mistakes committed by God. The Hell is presented as being a totally different place as compared to what is written about it in the Bible. As a result, reading through the text gives an image of God who is prone to the very mistakes common to humans thus ripping Him off His lofty status of divine and, instead, making Him a mere human. Whether or not Dante did it intentionally is subject to debate but one thing is clear in the poem: the misconstrued notion of God is revealed to future generations.



Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). Dante’s inferno: Seven deadly sins in scientific publishing and how to avoid them. Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, 267.

Cheney, L. D. G. (2016). Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno: A Comparative Study of Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro. Cultural and Religious Studies4(8), 487.

Verdicchio, M. (2015). Irony and Desire in Dante’s” Inferno” 27. Italica, 285-297.

Chosen Population and Global Burden of Disease:

  • Population: Geriatric population in rural areas.
  • Global Burden of Disease/Risk Factor: Unmanaged hypertension and its related cardiovascular complications.

Technology and Healthcare: Paradigm Shift

  • Description:
    • Healthcare is undergoing a significant paradigm shift driven by technological advancements. We’re moving from a reactive, hospital-centered model to a proactive, patient-centered, and community-based model.

Chosen Population and Global Burden of Disease:

  • Population: Geriatric population in rural areas.
  • Global Burden of Disease/Risk Factor: Unmanaged hypertension and its related cardiovascular complications.

Technology and Healthcare: Paradigm Shift

  • Description:
    • Healthcare is undergoing a significant paradigm shift driven by technological advancements. We’re moving from a reactive, hospital-centered model to a proactive, patient-centered, and community-based model.
    • Technology is enabling:
      • Telehealth: Remote consultations, monitoring, and care delivery.
      • Wearable Devices: Continuous monitoring of vital signs and activity levels.
      • Mobile Health (mHealth): Apps for medication management, education, and communication.
      • Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Seamless data sharing and care coordination.
      • AI and Machine Learning: Predictive analytics and personalized interventions.
    • This shift emphasizes preventive care, remote monitoring, and patient empowerment.

Technology to Improve Health Outcomes in Geriatric Rural Population with Hypertension:

  • Improvement:
    • Increased Access: Telehealth reduces travel barriers for rural seniors, enabling regular blood pressure monitoring and consultations.
    • Enhanced Adherence: mHealth apps provide medication reminders, track adherence, and offer educational resources.
    • Early Detection: Wearable devices and remote monitoring enable early detection of blood pressure spikes and potential complications.
    • Personalized Care: AI-powered analytics can identify individual risk factors and tailor treatment plans.
    • Improved Care Coordination: EHRs facilitate seamless communication between primary care providers, cardiologists, and other specialists.
    • Reduction of isolation: Telehealth interactions can reduce the feeling of isolation that many rural seniors experience.

Chosen Evidence-Based Technology: Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring (RBPM) with Telehealth Integration

  • Description:
    • RBPM involves the use of home blood pressure monitors that transmit data wirelessly to healthcare providers.
    • Telehealth integration allows for remote consultations, medication adjustments, and patient education.
    • This system allows for the early detection of dangerous blood pressure changes.
  • Evidence Summary:
    • Studies demonstrate that RBPM with telehealth integration significantly improves blood pressure control in hypertensive patients.
    • It reduces the need for in-person visits, increases patient adherence to treatment, and lowers the risk of cardiovascular events.
    • Research also shows that it is very effective in rural settings.
  • Sources:
    • Numerous studies published in journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Circulation, and the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
    • Guidelines from organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH).

Positives and Negatives of RBPM with Telehealth:

  • Positives:
    • Improved blood pressure control.
    • Increased access to care for rural seniors.
    • Enhanced patient adherence to treatment.
    • Early detection of complications.
    • Reduced healthcare costs.
    • Reduction of travel burden on patients.
    • Increased patient empowerment.
  • Negatives:
    • Digital literacy barriers among some seniors.
    • Potential for technical difficulties.
    • Privacy and security concerns related to data transmission.
    • Cost of equipment and telehealth services.
    • Lack of hands on care.
    • Potential for increased anxiety for some patients, when monitoring their own vitals.
    • Dependence on reliable internet access, which can be a problem in rural areas.

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