Create a proposal detailing and building upon the information presented in the last two assignments. First, present the current policy that is negatively impacting an oppressed population, including who and in what ways the population is being affected. Then describe a detailed plan designed to remedy the shortcomings of the current policy. In addition, discuss the leadership skills necessary to gain support for the proposal and determine which of those skills you already possess and which you may need to develop. You will include an evaluation plan that presents the data needed to demonstrate that the change has had the desired outcome. This will include the definition of success and the ways in which the data will be collected. Remember to support all main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and behaviors:

EPAS Competency 2: Advance human rights and social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.
C2.GP.A: Advocate for human rights at the individual, family, group, organizational, and community system levels.
Related Assignment Criteria:
Explain a detailed plan for enacting change to address discrimination in the selected policy or program.
Discuss leadership skills needed to implement the plan to address discriminatory issues in the selected policy or program.
Explain how the plan to change the policy or program will be evaluated.
Explain how the evaluation data will be collected and managed.

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Proposal: Addressing Discriminatory Policies Affecting an Oppressed Population


In this proposal, we aim to address discriminatory policies negatively impacting an oppressed population. We will first outline the current policy that is causing harm, describe its effects on the population, and then present a detailed plan to rectify these shortcomings. Furthermore, we will discuss the leadership skills required to gain support for the proposal and evaluate the success of the implemented changes.

Current Policy and Its Impact

The current policy that is negatively affecting an oppressed population is the lack of access to affordable housing for low-income families in marginalized communities. This policy disproportionately impacts minority groups, single parents, individuals with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. As a result, these groups face housing insecurity, homelessness, and limited opportunities for social and economic advancement.

Detailed Plan for Change

To address the discriminatory housing policy, a comprehensive plan must be implemented. This plan includes:

1. Legislation for Affordable Housing: Advocate for new legislation that mandates affordable housing quotas in all residential developments.
2. Community Outreach Programs: Establish community outreach programs to provide housing education, support services, and resources to marginalized populations.
3. Inclusive Housing Policies: Encourage the development of inclusive housing policies that prioritize diversity and equal access to housing opportunities.
4. Partnerships with NGOs: Collaborate with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to create affordable housing initiatives and support services for vulnerable populations.

Leadership Skills for Implementation

Effective leadership skills are crucial for implementing the proposed changes. These skills include:

1. Advocacy: The ability to advocate for marginalized populations and influence policymakers to support the proposed housing reforms.
2. Communication: Strong communication skills to effectively convey the importance of addressing discriminatory housing policies to various stakeholders.
3. Collaboration: Collaboration with community leaders, NGOs, and government officials to drive collective action towards achieving housing equity.
4. Empathy: Demonstrating empathy towards the struggles faced by oppressed populations to build trust and support for the proposed changes.

Evaluation Plan

To evaluate the success of the policy changes, the following metrics will be used:

1. Access to Affordable Housing: Measure the increase in access to affordable housing for low-income families in marginalized communities.
2. Reduction in Homelessness: Track the decrease in homelessness rates among vulnerable populations.
3. Community Feedback: Gather feedback from community members and stakeholders on the impact of the implemented changes.
4. Economic Mobility: Assess the improvement in economic mobility and social well-being of individuals benefiting from the new housing policies.

Data Collection and Management

Data for evaluation will be collected through:

1. Surveys and Interviews: Conduct surveys and interviews with community members, policymakers, and organizations involved in housing initiatives.
2. Quantitative Analysis: Analyze quantitative data on housing affordability, homelessness rates, and socioeconomic indicators.
3. Focus Groups: Organize focus groups to gather qualitative insights on the lived experiences of individuals affected by discriminatory housing policies.
4. Longitudinal Studies: Implement longitudinal studies to track the long-term impact of the policy changes on oppressed populations.


In conclusion, addressing discriminatory policies affecting oppressed populations requires a multifaceted approach involving policy reforms, community engagement, and effective leadership. By implementing the proposed plan and evaluating its outcomes using relevant data collection methods, we can strive towards achieving social justice and equitable access to housing for all individuals, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.


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