How do religions relate to philosophies?

What, according to Al-Farabı, is a religion? How do religions relate tophilosophies?What, according to Al-Farabı, is a ‘virtuous religion’? How, on hisview, do ‘virtuous religions’ differ from religions that are ‘ignorant’,‘errant’, and ‘deceptive’? Why does Al-Farabı...

Religions R’s better be rabid, usually.

AFTERLIFE Only strong opinion cunts: for ideas such as faith, R’s better be rabid, usually. PRAYER 1/3 of answer is IPA, since the comparison is between 29-34 percent, it matters. I put the IPA as “Other”, to dodge the bias. MIRACLES Belief in religious miracles 2...

Personal and spiritual beliefs

Examining your personal and spiritual beliefs is necessary throughout your career as a counselor. The purposeof self-reflection is to help counselors gain an understanding of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actionsso that they do not impose their beliefs on...

Mosaic Covenant Essay

Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words. Based upon your study of the history of ancient Israel, answer the following questions: How was the history of ancient Israel influenced by the Mosaic covenant and the Decalogue? Give examples.What literary themes from the...

Personal and spiritual beliefs

Examining your personal and spiritual beliefs is necessary throughout your career as a counselor. The purposeof self-reflection is to help counselors gain an understanding of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actionsso that they do not impose their beliefs on...

New testament

For this assignment, you will be studying a story from the book of Acts. More specifically, you will be studyingthe story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-39. You will use the provided template to complete a study ofthis passage. In your study, you will use...