Comparative Advantage Around the World: The Case of Germany

Comparative Advantage Around the World Select a country of your choice (other than Saudi Arabia) and discuss its comparative advantage. What are the sources and the challenges? What is the role of the government? What policies should the government implement to...

The History of Managed Care

  In the United States, managed care is becoming an increasingly popular method of administering healthcare. It influences the clinical behavior of providers, as it combines the payment and delivery of healthcare into a single system, the purpose of which is to...

The Other Factors that Contributed to Union Success

  A horrific fire occurred at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911. A museum provides displays about the fire and organized labor’s early attempts to achieve their goals. The displays stated that unions were not successful in their efforts to obtain their...

Relative financial burden imposed on each income earner

    You are a member of a presidential commission appointed to consider a mandatory national health insurance plan, and the question of how to fund the plan is being discussed. Specifically, three distinct funding mechanisms are being considered to cover the...