Trading Economics (Major Economic Indicators)

  Complete a formal written assignment highlighting published current economic events or issues and explain how they relate to theories learned in this course. The paper provides you an opportunity to realize, reflect, and explain the economics that exists all...

The concept of elasticity.

        Define the concept of elasticity. Explain how a higher price and a lower price affect consumers and producers. Share how the changes of price for an elastic good and an inelastic good you use regularly has affected your purchasing and...

Remittances and Elasticity Impact in Several USA Variables

    Remittances and Elasticity Impact in Several USA Variables” 1. Correlation Analysis: Using the Excel-1-Remmittances files, create a new tab and create correlations for the 3 chosen countries in Excel (you can use the Correlation function in Excel to find...

Remittances and Poverty Indicators

“Remittances and Poverty Indicators” 1. Collect the following poverty indicators from your chosen countries (this data can be obtained mainly from the World Bank and IMF, even though many world economic organizations will have this data. For the following poverty...

“Covid Impact on Remittances”

  1. Partition your raw data into three parts: Pre-Covid, During Covid, and Post-Covid (Call this new Excel file: Excel-2:-Covid) • Pre-Covid: from January 2012 to February 2020 • During-Covid: from March 2020 to December 2021. • Post-Covid: January 2022 to...