A Tale of Three Bears: A Cultural Reimagining

Reinterpret a “white” or European fairytale to a non white perspective, way of being and language usage. For example, in my culture, Goldilocks is a burglar and vandal. She broke into someone’s home and destroyed their furniture and their food. In...

Social activism Black Lives Matter

  Write a paragraph of seven to ten sentences to discuss the social activism Black Lives Matter In your paragraph In your paragraph, be sure to include author and titles, mode of presentation, message, stance, and purpose. Conclude with a statement of whether or...

The Adventures of Max, My Mischievous Beagle

  Compose your Journal 3 answering the following prompt: For most of us, our pets are practically family; I know mine are. Even if we don’t necessarily feel that deeply about them, they are, undoubtedly, a part of our lives. Pets can be a blessing and a...