Ethnography edition

One of your TAs, Jess Chapman, took you on a virtual sensory walk this week. Jess made some keyobservations, using various senses and pre-existing knowledge of the park space she was navigating. I’d likeyou to practice making observations and field notes by...

Overarching Themes to Mull Over

Regardless of which option above you choose, all SUST 220 Water field trips (whether virtual or in- person) deal with the relation between water and sustainability, but in slightly different contexts. In your analysis, you should think about and reflect on issues such...

Environmental and Sustainable Design

Researching sustainable and wellness landscape practicesGo ahead and select an area for your final project site. You may want to make the actual site selection. Createat least 2 pages to cover this week’s extensive research subject.1)Xeriscapinga-Define the termb-...

National Wetlands Inventory

Select two aquatic classification systems and classify five aquatic features (i.e., wetlands, river, lake, estuary,etc.) in an area of your choosing (e.g., ecoregion, state, county, etc.). Be sure to compare and contrast the twoaquatic classification systems. Submit a...

Greenhouse gases

Do you think it is okay for the individuals of one country to produce more greenhouse gases than individuals of other countries? How do you feel about countries especially island nations that are suffering the consequences of actions outside their borders? Sample...

The impact of global warming

The impact of global warming is not uniformly negative – some regions will benefit from a change in the climate. In addition, technological fixes exist that can help humans deal with some of the consequences of sea-level rise, and people can move from threatened...