A Street Car Named Desire

Write an essay of approximately 3 pages in which you answer the following question about A Streetcar Named Desire: Are there any moral or ethical lessons to be found in A Streetcar Named Desire? Your essay should include the following elements: –a title that...

Film Analysis

In-Depth Film Analysis: Choose a feature-length fictional movie (no documentaries or short films) that you have already seen that is available to watch again in order to conduct an in -depth film analysis of the overt and covert messages the movie sends about gender....

Movie analysis

I have to watch a movie that relates to aging and the movie I’m doing my paper on is A Trip to Bountiful (1985). The film is about an elderly woman who wants to travel to Bountiful, a small town she lived at when she was growing up, one last time before she dies...

The Black Mirror episode Nosedive

Write a critique of the Black Mirror episode Nosedive. This critique must comment on several ethical ways to look at Nosedive and must contain at least five or more citations from different sources that you use. Please do not include a summary of the Black Mirror...

The role of dance in films

Discuss the role of dance in one of the films listed below—how are the dance sequences used to develop the plot and/or individual characters and relationships? What makes the dances significant or important in the film? How do the dances color your perceptions of the...

Digital Media.

A reflective written report (1500 words) taking into account contexts of locative media and reflecting on use of media and technologies and target audience. And a project production plan, including budget. For my group project, we have been assigned to create a...