
Quite often, people who have never attended a live theater performance might not know what behavior is expected of the audience. Because the audience and the performers are all in the same room together, it is important that someone attending a live theater...

Film Review of Foreigners in their Own Land

Watch the film, | will attach a link and answer the following questions: What was Texas like for the Mexicans before the arrival of the “American settlers.”? How did it change after the Americans came in? What were the American settlers interested in? When...


For Test 2, Part 1 you will watch “Amadeus” and write a review in essay form. Test 2 Part 1 is due by Monday end of day, March 6th. You will need to rent the movie, it is not currently streaming on Netflix but resourceful students have found it free online...

Non-fiction filmmaker research analysis

Research and write an essay about a non-fiction filmmaker who has made a significant contribution to the documentary form. You will need to argue how the filmmaker has made a contribution to documentary. You must have a Research Statement at the beginning of your...

Native Americans Film Review

Watch the film and Answer all the questions: The Native American Indians in the film discuss past Indian experiences with the U.S., that lead to their current conditions. What are they saying about that history and experience? The “Acts?” Loss of Land?...

Blood Diamond

1.Can you describe the political background against which the film was shot? (10 pts)2. 2.Can you summarize in no more than 400 words what you regard as the key events in the film? (10 pts) 3.What is the significance of the title of the movie “Blood diamonds?” (10...