by Dan | Apr 17, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
What is the staffing function of human resource management? Identify and discuss what staffing involves.
by Belinder | Apr 12, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
For this assignment, write explaining your new compensation strategy for the mid-level manager position you still need to fill. Your audience is the chief executive officer (CEO) and other supervisors in your organization. In this,...
by Belinder | Apr 12, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
A visiting American executive finds that a foreign subsidiary in a less developed country has hired a 12-year-old girl to work on a factory floor, in violation of the company’s prohibition on child labor. He tells the local manager to...
by Belinder | Apr 12, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
You anticipate a great deal of resistance to change from the employees of Pegasus, especially if there are layoffs involved. You and the HRD group must first identify the emotional factors of change and then present a plan to address...
by Dan | Apr 10, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
Discuss what the European Union’s (EU) Social Charter is. Explain why it is important for U.S. firms dealing with the EU to be aware of this. Explain what techniques U.S. firms must make in dealing with unions in the United States to be successful with EU...
by Dan | Apr 10, 2023 | Human Resource Manegement
What factors distinguish the labor relations system in the public sector from that in the private sector? Propose a public-sector labor relations system for the employees of the city government. What would it borrow from the private sector? What would it not be able...