Virtual Reality

      “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Or so says John Lennon in the lyrics to his song “A Beautiful Boy”. The saying pre-dates this well-known song and is still relevant. This is true, perhaps especially true,...

Category membership

  Typicality is often used to determine category membership, but not always. Provide an example of an object that is typical of a category but does not belong to the category. Explain why it would not be included in the category despite its similarity to other...

“Stars and the H-R Diagram”

    In this activity, you will select and research one of the 25 brightest stars in our sky and apply the concepts you have learned in the course to your particular star. [Note: the information covered in the “Stars and the H-R Diagram” lab...

A person’s salary

A sociologist wanted to investigate how well a person’s salary can be predicted bythe combination of their intelligence quotient (IQ) and the number of years they have beenformally educated. She therefore published a survey in which participants self-reportedtheir...

A future job candidate

Link a job position to a recruitment analysis process. The benefits are twofold: 1) You as a future job candidate can better know how to position yourself when identifying how the job position you desire, is analyzed by an organization. 2) You will also put yourself...