Adolescent Eating Disorders

Create an age-appropriate PowerPoint Presentation for Grades 9-12.Include a title slide.Explain the three eating disorders in terms the students will understand.Differentiate between anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and a binge-eating disorder.Explain the risk factors for...

A macronutrient assignment

In order to obtain the proper nutrients and energy needed to maintain optimal health you need to consume the proper proportion of macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals.Most...

Nutrition and dietetics

Do you agree/disagree that “Commercial” Diet Programs teach healthy eating habits? Please use a reference to support your reasoning..True physical fitness consists of three major components. Please list them. 3 Find an interesting video on commercial diets or ways to...

Diet and Diet plan

For this discussion board, you will imagine that you are a nutritionist and a patient has come to you to ask forhelp creating a diet plan. You will:Create the reason as to why this patient is requesting a diet plan (i.e. weight loss, general health, training fora...

The pleasures of eating by Wendell berry

Write a brief summary on the pleasures of eating by Wendell berry and find his main points on what he istalking about in his essayEasy link is Sample Solution


Write an argumentative essay. Have a thesis statement and take a site. Use arguments and proof to support your stand and to refute the opposing site. Everything has to be backed up by sources (provided according to the APA guidelines). Have the audience/reader in...