Reality, Art, and Truth

Discuss the avocado idea of the self and explain at least one version of the idea that human beings have a shared essential nature (such as Cartesian rationalism or Greek philosophy). Contrast this account with the artichoke idea of the self (drawing upon...

Philosophy questions

Is Schopenhauer’s pessimism a natural outgrowth of Newtonian physics and renaissance science in the absence of religion?Is life unbalanced such that there is more pain than pleasure?In what ways do Schopenhauer’s ideas differ from Eastern thought? Sample...

A philosopher and a philosophy professor

What is the difference, if any, between being a philosopher and being a philosophy professor? Are there any sorts of occupations that are utterly inconsistent with being a philosopher? If so, what and how so? If not, why not? Sample Solution

‘rationalism’ and ’empiricism’

Both Plato and Descartes are considered to be ‘rationalists’ and both Locke and Berkeley are considered to be ’empiricists’. Please help me understand what the epistemological doctrines of ‘rationalism’ and ’empiricism’...