Science question

        Why would evolution have enabled blind mole rats to synchronize their suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) activity to light, even though they cannot see well enough to make use of the light? Describe the stages of sleep. During which part of a...

Networking, storage, cloud, data warehousing

  For all the topics that were covered in this course, which one could you relate closest to for managing your own technology systems. What activities or approaches did you find valuable and can you implement any of the approaches for managing IT system...

How science work to solve environmental problems

        How does science work to solve environmental problems? Explain the steps in the scientific process as it relates to an environmental problem and describe one potential challenge to solving that problem. And… Why is it important to...

Tree Of Life

          Watch the video Tree of Life by David Attenborough. Note: If this link to the video does not work you can always search for it by name and it will appear in YouTube. 1. Describe two examples of natural selection, from the Galapagos...

Meterology Questions

          Determine the horizon angle of sunrise and sunset and calculate the noon sun angle (maximum zenith) for February 12 for Wayne, NJ, approximate latitude: 41 degrees north. (Use the closest equinox date for calculation of angular...

Analysing an article pon astronomy or cosmology.

        Choose a science news article that highlights a current event or recent research related to either astronomy or cosmology. In searching for an appropriate article, the following online science news sources are suggested. (Do not use...