People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations.The impact of those with views of lesser acceptance is felt the hardest by the most vulnerable among us- ourchildren.Watch the following video of a Ft. Worth...

Identities and Sex, Love & Romance

How do different identities impact the ways people experience sex, love, and romance? How do differentidentities construct “acceptable” or “unacceptable” performances of sex, love, or romance?In no less than 300 words, answer the above question using the readings for...

A typical Sexual Interests

Pick one behavior that would qualify as a Kink, describe the behavior, and talk about how people might express this kink in sexual play. Pick one behavior that would qualify as BDSM, describe the behavior, and talk about how people would express this behavior in BDSM...

Sex in America by Robert T. Michael

Read sex in America by Robert T. Michael Summarize chapter 7 and answer question: The authors argue that the methods used by many studies about sex in America (Kinsey Study, Hite Report, Redbook Study, and Janus Report) were deeply flawed. Discuss the different...

Canons of lesbian and gay

“From Epistemology of the Closet” Questions According to Sedgwick, what do the “alternative canons of lesbian and gay male writing” reveal about the literature of the past? In your opinion, what does the phrase “coming out of the...


How is the writer’s experience important in the story being told in Middlesex? Describe your reaction to the reading and invoke some of the concepts discussed in the Queer Theory reading to try to make sense of sexuality when it does not match your own...