How technology has helped you to be productive

Consider how technology has helped you to be productive and complete tasks. Examine the physical requirements for using your favorite technologies. How might physical disabilities hamper one’s use of those preferred technologies and impact his or her personal...

How new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.

Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in cars.Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by motor vehicles. Sample...

Technology Applications

Apply a technology solution to a business problem in a specific company or organization that adds value to the organization. Brief Company backgroundDiscussion of business problem(s)High level solutionBenefits of solving the problemBusiness/technical approachBusiness...

Technology Review

Choose a Critical Infrastructure Sector “There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating...