Global Conflict

QUESTION: What factors have affected the ways we eat and our food choices? Do you have friends, family, oracquaintances who are rethinking their food choices for their own health or the health of the planet: choosingorganic foods, eating from local sources, eating a...

The U.S’s invasion and occupation of Iraq

Evaluate American foreign policy in the Middle East. What are the possible outcomes of the U.S’s invasion and occupation of Iraq and the continued “War on Terror”? What are the possible motives for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they...

War between US and China

War will not happen between US and China, using Hegemonic Stability Theory Use the Hegemonic Stability Theory to analyse. My stand is US and China will not come to war, though there will be many conflicts. Liberalism or neoliberalism theories can be used to support as...

Ingredients of conflict

The conflict you write about should be one you have observed or in which you have participated I. Introduction of conflict explaining observed symptoms (how do you know conflict is happening?) II. What are the ingredients of the conflict? Draw upon the ingredients of...

Gun violence

1) With the criteria listed below, analyze statistics on crime committed with firearms in the United States for thepast seven years (2011-2018)i) Estimated number of deaths in each of the years analyzed.ii) Estimated number injuries in each of the years analyzed.iii)...

“Why has protesting became so aggressive and violent”.

Balko, R. (2016, July 05). Opinion | How to police crowds and protests to prevent violence. Retrieved June 10,2020, from Today. 2020. When Do...