Question 2
Presented below are some hypothetical data representing 20 people:
Variables: GENDER (M=male, F=female) CHURCH (whether they attended church last week [Y=yes, N=no], ETHNICITY (W=white, AA=African American, A=Asian, H=Hispanic), SES (socio-economic status) [L=low, M=middle, U=upper], and AGE

M N W M 25
F N AA L 30
F Y AA M 19
M N W U 40
M Y AA M 22
F N W M 25
F Y A M 26
F Y AA L 23
M N H L 30
M Y AA U 40
M Y W L 32
F Y W M 33
M N W U 33
M Y H M 24
F Y W L 23
F N AA L 19
M N H M 24
M N W U 30
F N W U 50
F Y W U 45

You are required to input the data using IBM SPSS software, create a codebook, conduct frequency analysis for each of the five variables and answer the following questions:
(a) What percentage of the sample is African-American?
(b) What percentage of people is 30 or younger in age?
(c) What measure of central tendency is appropriate for each variable and how do you report them?
(d) What is the level of measurement for each variable?
(e) Create appropriate graphs for each of the five variables.

Question 3
For each of the following hypotheses, identify the dependent and independent variables, level of measurement for each, an appropriate way of measuring (operationalizing) the variables and the level of measurement of data.
(a) Researchers believe that people with high levels of education earn higher salaries than do those with low levels of education.
(b) Pollsters predict that younger voters and older voters are more likely than middle-aged voters to support redistributive policies.
(c) Death rates in automobile accidents are higher in less densely populated areas than in more densely populated ones.
(d) Students do better in statistics if they study with other people than if they study alone. (e) Teenagers are better at video games than are adults in their 30s.
(f) Spanking children leads them to be more violent.
(g) Weight watchers leads to more weight loss if you go to meetings than if you participate online.
(h) Drinking caffeinated beverages with dinner makes it harder to get to sleep at night.

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