Masculinity Interview
Briefly summarize major findings of your interview and share with your classmates. Be sure to keep your interviewee’s identity private. When responding to others compare what you found in your research and interview to others’ gathered data.



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Interview Summary: Exploring Masculinity

In my interview on the topic of masculinity, I had the opportunity to speak with a middle-aged man who preferred to remain anonymous. The purpose of the interview was to gain insight into his experiences and perspectives on masculinity. Here are the major findings from the interview:

Traditional Gender Roles: The interviewee expressed that he grew up in a society where traditional gender roles were heavily emphasized. He was taught that men should be strong, independent, and avoid showing vulnerability. These societal expectations influenced his perception of masculinity.

Emotional Expression: The interviewee shared that he struggled with expressing his emotions openly due to societal pressures. He mentioned that he often felt the need to suppress his feelings and put on a brave face, which resulted in a sense of emotional detachment. However, he acknowledged the importance of breaking free from these constraints and allowing himself to be more emotionally expressive.

Impact of Media: The interviewee discussed how media, particularly movies and advertisements, contribute to defining masculinity. He mentioned that media often portrays men as physically strong, dominant, and successful. He acknowledged that such representations can create unrealistic expectations and contribute to feelings of inadequacy.

Changing Perspectives: The interviewee expressed that his perspectives on masculinity have evolved over time. He highlighted the importance of embracing vulnerability, empathy, and emotional intelligence. He emphasized the need for society to redefine masculinity to allow men to embrace a wider range of emotions and behaviors without judgment.

Comparing my interview findings with others’ gathered data, it is evident that there are common themes. Many individuals, like my interviewee, struggle with the societal expectations placed on masculinity. The pressure to conform to traditional gender roles and the reluctance to express emotions openly are recurring themes. Additionally, media influence on shaping perceptions of masculinityis widely recognized.

Overall, my interview highlighted the need for society to challenge traditional notions of masculinity and create a more inclusive understanding of what it means to be a man. It is essential to foster environments that encourage emotional expression, empathy, and personal growth for individuals of all genders.




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