How successful are returning citizens from prison to remain crime free and in stable housing after the Reentry Partnership Housing (RPH) Program

Plan and design an evaluation of an organization, program, or intervention of your choice. You may need to do some background research. Include references to the semester’s readings.

Write and submit a paper with the following information included (please include a cover page, double-space, use a 12-point font, 1″ margins, and number your pages). Below is an outline; you do not need to respond to every bullet point in this order, but you should address these things somewhere in the narrative. I expect the paper will be 8-10 pages, but should be no more than 15.

Description of the project/program/intervention
what is the context?
who wants to know?
how will the results be used?
who are the stakeholders?
Problem statement (goals, what you are trying to learn/evaluate)
what is the question/problem you are trying to answer?
why is the question important, why does it matter?
what are the outcome(s) you hope to achieve? Impact? NOTE: The outcome(s) should be SPECIFIC and worded in such a way that it is clear that it is an outcome (change in behavior of some sort).

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