provide you with an overview of the field of psychology including the basic knowledge of the terminology and content areas. It is also important, however, that you connect the information you learn in class to activities outside of the classroom. For this assignment, you will read outside materials about the topics in this course and relate the material to the course and your personal world beyond the classroom.
You will have to find two newspaper-type articles that are relevant to topics we cover in this course. Only articles published in the last two years and those found in newspapers, magazines, or on a very reputable internet site may be used. Note: Blogs and opinion pieces are not acceptable articles for this assignment.
For each article, you must submit a typed and double spaced paper of approximately 600 words, summarizing, critiquing, and analyzing the article based on information you have learned in this course. Make the connection to the course clear in your paper. I am interested in your comments, criticisms, evaluations, questions, and insights. All critical comments, however, should be justified. Your paper should demonstrate that you have thought about what you have read.
It may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
How does the material in the article relate to the material discussed in class? What does it add to our discussion of the topic?
What do you think about a particular topic? What is of interest to you in the material covered? Why?
Are you convinced by the arguments made by the author(s)? Why or why not?
What additional hypotheses and ideas come to mind after your reading and thinking?