by Dan | Mar 12, 2021 | Essays
Choose one of the questions below for your essay response, or discuss another topic of interest based on our class’ literary readings. You are not required to include outside research for this essay. Achilles set the model for a kind of heroism still immensely...
by Dan | Mar 2, 2021 | Essays
1) What are the two senses of the word “invention” that Montrelay speaks about in “The Double Status”? How does Barthes’s discussion of the history of rhetoric in “The Old Rhetoric” expand your appreciation of what is at stake in invention subjectively? How is the...
by Dan | Feb 26, 2021 | Essays
Both Chapters 10 and 11 are required reading. Chapter 11 was actually assigned in Week 6 but primarily needed there for the study of ANOVA. Here it is needed for the study of the Ch-Squared Tests. Note also the additional readings listed in Week 7 to supplement the...
by Dan | Feb 19, 2021 | Essays
These are the instructions for your individual essay (subject to revision for clarity). The original duedate was November 15, 2020, but you may have until November 29, 2020 to complete thisassignment if you would like.You will write between 1500-2000 words for the...
by Dan | Feb 19, 2021 | Essays
Part One:Think about an issue at your current place of practice. What is that issue and how would you submit a researchproposal?Part Two:Identify a policy/procedure at your workplace that you would like to improve through evidence-based researchor discuss one that has...