Age, gender, occupation, education, relationships

  You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in the scenario such as their age, gender, occupation, education, relationships, and family history. The scenario story: You need to describe a scenario using third person in which cultural...

Scientific knowledge say about sex, gender, race, sexuality

What does scientific knowledge say about sex, gender, race, sexuality, and other identity categories?1a. How has your answer to this question changed over the semester?Do gender and race shape the “dxoing” of science- (how) does identity matter in scientific...

Gender, Class, Race, and Sentencing- Supreme Court Cases

Provide two separate Supreme Court Cases based on the topic chosen State the facts of the case as per the court brief. (this portion is not opinion-based)Provide the final ruling of the case. Was the case affirmed or the decision reversed.Provide a summary of the...

Feminism, Gender, Marxism, and/or Cultural theory

Choose any of the four theories (Feminism, Gender, Marxism, and/or Cultural theory) and make an argument on the theory (such as a social critique of society or a theoretical critique of the theory). The essay should be at least four pages long, plus a Works Cited page...