US 107 Midterm Exam Essay Section we are using the book – David E. Shi, America; A Narrative History, Volume 2, Twelfth edition, (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2022)
In this essay section, take your time and write full and complete responses. Use your textbook and other resources and provide specific examples with source citations. One or two short paragraphs with general information only will not be considered a sufficient response. This is where you should work in your knowledge of the Key Terms/Concepts! Grammar/spelling do count. Please refer to the Grading Rubric on our website on exams. Please remember to cite your sources. In addition, if you directly quote from ANY source, you must include a complete citation with in-text or a footnote. As per our syllabus, plagiarism, the use of Artificial Intelligence Tools or any act of academic dishonesty will score a ZERO (at minimum). I am looking for your knowledge and writing, not your ability to look up and/or copy what has already been written.
You must respond completely and fully to two of the three questions here. While the length of the response is not always a good indication of its quality. it would be very difficult to respond adequately to these questions in just a few paragraphs. As this is a take-home open-book exam, you should spend the time to provide detailed information to support your answers. This section of the exam is due on Sunday, October 8th at 11:59 p.m. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED unless prior arrangements have been made.
Please respond to two of the three questions. Combine your responses into one document. Clearly label which essay you are responding to. Each question is worth a maximum of 35 points.
Question #1
Contrast American life (political, economic, and cultural) during the Gilded Age with that of the Progressive Era. Who were the players in each era and what characterized each of the two? What changes took place in the United States from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era and how did those changes affect American life in the 1920s and the remainder of the 20th century? Be specific and provide factual evidence to support your responses.
Question #3
Discuss in some detail the experience of African-Americans in the United States after the end of Reconstruction in 1877.  How did their lives change? How did they remain the same? Who argued for civil rights and what were some of their approaches? What were some of the major laws and events which affected them in the latter part of the 19th century and up until the 1920s? Be specific and provide factual evidence to support your responses.


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Essay Question #1: Contrast American life during the Gilded Age with that of the Progressive Era and analyze the changes that took place in the United States from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era and their impact on the 1920s and the remainder of the 20th century.
The Gilded Age, spanning roughly from the end of the Civil War to the early 20th century, was characterized by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth. It was a time of stark contrasts, where immense wealth coexisted with widespread poverty and social inequality. Politically, the era was marked by a laissez-faire approach, with limited government intervention in business affairs. Culturally, the Gilded Age was defined by a growing consumer culture, social stratification, and the emergence of social Darwinism.

In contrast, the Progressive Era emerged in response to the social and economic problems of the Gilded Age. Lasting from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the Progressive Era sought to address issues such as corruption, social inequality, and political reform. Unlike the Gilded Age, progressives believed in an active role for government in regulating industry and protecting workers’ rights. The era saw the rise of influential reformers such as Jane Addams, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Theodore Roosevelt.

During this transition from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era, significant changes took place that shaped American life in the 1920s and beyond. Some of these changes include:

Political Reforms: The Progressive Era witnessed various political reforms aimed at curbing corruption and increasing government accountability. Examples include the establishment of direct primaries, women’s suffrage movements, and the ratification of the 17th Amendment for direct election of senators. These political reforms laid the foundation for a more inclusive and participatory democracy in the 20th century.

Labor Reforms: The Gilded Age was marked by harsh working conditions, low wages, and exploitation of workers. However, during the Progressive Era, labor movements gained momentum, leading to improved working conditions, shorter working hours, and increased wages. The formation of labor unions such as the American Federation of Labor (AFL) played a crucial role in advocating for workers’ rights.

Social Reforms: The Progressive Era witnessed various social reforms aimed at addressing social inequality and improving living conditions. Progressives sought to tackle issues such as child labor, women’s rights, public health, and education. The establishment of settlement houses by reformers like Jane Addams provided assistance to immigrants and promoted social welfare.

Rise of Consumer Culture: The Gilded Age saw an increase in consumerism and materialistic pursuits among the wealthy. However, during the Progressive Era, efforts were made to regulate monopolistic practices and protect consumers from exploitative business practices. Consumer protection laws were enacted to ensure fair competition and safer products.

Expanding Role of Government: The Progressive Era marked a shift towards an expanded role for government in addressing societal issues. Government regulations were implemented to curb monopolies and protect consumers’ interests. Important legislation such as the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) and the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) demonstrated a growing awareness of government’s responsibility to regulate business practices in the interest of public welfare.

The changes brought about during the Progressive Era had a profound impact on American life in the 1920s and throughout the 20th century. The reforms and regulations implemented during this period laid the groundwork for a more equitable society and provided a foundation for future progressive movements such as the New Deal in the 1930s. The expansion of government intervention in economic affairs continued to shape American society in subsequent decades, contributing to advancements in civil rights, workers’ rights, public health, and consumer protection.

In conclusion, contrasting American life during the Gilded Age with that of the Progressive Era reveals significant shifts in political, economic, and cultural landscapes. The Gilded Age was marked by extreme wealth disparities and limited government intervention, while the Progressive Era sought to address these issues through political reforms, labor reforms, and social reforms. The changes brought about during this transition period had long-lasting effects on American life in the 1920s and beyond, shaping policies and movements that aimed for a more equitable society throughout the 20th century.


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