Analyze how culture affects communication. This assignment
will help you connect the communication principles you are learning to the real world.
You can use as a starting point your Week 1 Discussion Main Post.
1. Consider a conversation or interaction between two (or more) people who are from very different cultures and how they communicated (or miscommunicated). If you are comfortable, you may have an authentic experience to draw on for this assignment. It could relate to healthcare, but it does not have to. You could also look to your own Week 1 Discussion Main Post as a starting point. You could also choose to find an example in a series television program, movie or film, or Instagram story if you prefer.
2. In what ways did culture affect the communication interaction? What expectations were present for those present for the interaction?
3. Use examples from the experience, or the media example, to demonstrate, support and illustrate your observations on expectations, cultures, and understandings (or misunderstandings).
4. Write a two- to three-page paper, not counting the title page and the references page, that summarizes how culture affected your communication experience.
5. While including cited support for terms and concepts is important, the bulk of this paper should be in your own words about your own experience.
6. Connect your observations and experiences to a scholarly source like our textbook.
Suggested structure: Introduction paragraph that includes a main idea, multiple body paragraphs with evidence and support, and conclusion paragraph that wraps it up. If, for any reason, you are not comfortable discussing your personal cultural background, you can choose communication between two characters from a scene in a movie or television show. How did the culture of the characters affect the communication in that scene?

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Title: The Impact of Culture on Communication


Culture plays a significant role in shaping how people communicate and interact with each other. This paper will delve into the ways in which culture influences communication, drawing insights from real-life experiences or media examples. By examining a conversation or interaction between individuals from different cultural backgrounds, we can gain a deeper understanding of how cultural norms, values, and expectations shape the communication process.

Body Paragraphs:

Cultural Differences in Communication:

In a diverse society, encountering individuals from different cultural backgrounds is inevitable. These interactions often highlight the impact of culture on communication. For instance, a conversation between a Westerner and an Easterner may reveal contrasting communication styles. The direct and explicit communication typical in Western cultures may clash with the indirect and implicit communication prevalent in Eastern cultures. This mismatch in communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Influence of Cultural Expectations:

Cultural expectations play a crucial role in shaping communication dynamics. Each culture has its own set of norms, taboos, and etiquette that dictate how individuals should interact with each other. For example, in some cultures, maintaining eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness, while in others, it may be perceived as confrontational or disrespectful. Understanding and adhering to these cultural expectations are essential for effective communication across cultures.

Real-Life Example:

Consider a scenario where a healthcare provider from the United States interacts with a patient from a collectivist culture. The provider, accustomed to making decisions independently, may overlook the patient’s family members who play a significant role in the patient’s healthcare decisions. This oversight stems from a lack of awareness of the cultural value placed on familial involvement in healthcare matters. As a result, the communication between the provider and the patient becomes strained, impacting the quality of care provided.

Connection to Scholarly Source:

Drawing from our textbook on intercultural communication, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory provides valuable insights into how cultural differences influence communication patterns. By understanding dimensions such as individualism-collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance, individuals can navigate cross-cultural interactions more effectively.


In conclusion, culture exerts a profound influence on communication by shaping norms, expectations, and behaviors. Recognizing and respecting cultural differences is essential for fostering effective communication and building meaningful relationships across diverse cultural contexts. By reflecting on personal experiences and drawing parallels to scholarly sources, we can deepen our understanding of the complex interplay between culture and communication. Embracing cultural diversity not only enhances our communication skills but also enriches our worldview.

Through this analysis, it becomes evident that effective communication transcends language proficiency and verbal skills; it requires an appreciation of cultural nuances and sensitivities. By acknowledging the impact of culture on communication, individuals can bridge cultural divides and engage in meaningful dialogue that fosters mutual understanding and respect.

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