(1) Draw a detailed diagram of a possible model Maglev train system, consisting of a long box (representing the tracks), magnets, and a small box representing the ‘train.’ The ‘train’ should float above the bottom of the box. Label all parts of your system, including where the magnets or magnetic strips are located and how they are arranged; which way the Poles are oriented.
(2) Write an explanation for why your model maglev train system works; that is, why the ‘train’ can float above the ‘tracks’ as the train moves from one end of the box to the other.
Analyses of possible problems: Consider an actual Maglev train system.
(3) Should you worry (yes or no) if you are told that one of the magnets under the train is cracked? Justify your answer in terms of ideas from the magnetism unit.
(4) Should you worry (yes or no) if you are told that there had been a fire 50 miles ahead on the tracks? Justify your answer in terms of ideas from the magnetism unit.
Sample Solution