Using the Extended Definition Prompt Download Extended Definition Prompt, our class materials from the past few weeks, and what you wrote in last week’s discussion post, prepare to write your Extended Definition outline by doing the following from our “Why & How to Create a Useful Outline” handout: Download “Why & How to Create a Useful Outline” handout:
Determine the purpose of your work – what is the primary reason for writing this type of assignment?
Determine the audience you are writing for – what type of reader are you addressing? How familiar are they with your “thing”?
Develop the thesis of your work – the thesis statement of your assignment should be directly supported by the topics of your outline’s body paragraphs.
If you haven’t already, decide which sources will be important to reference and engage with in your Extended Definition.
Remember – the prompt asks you to use at least 3 non-academic sources and 1 image in your final work.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with your chosen sources before basing your writing on them. Use active reading strategies to deepen your understanding of your sources’ points.
Step 2: Construct the Outline
Write your Extended Definition outline, using the Nicola Tesla outline Download Nicola Tesla outlineas an example to follow.


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