Explore social/political/economic issue and further investigate. This information will be used in your Social Awareness and Responsibility project.
The social/political/economic issue is Rights of Indigenous people
Now find a minimum of 3 sources that will guide your social issue project.
Provide the link and a short summary of what you learned from that particular source.
Some of the questions you might want to consider are:
What social/economic/political issue are you going to use to inspire your social responsibility artwork?
How are you going to bring awareness to the social issue in your artwork?
Why did you choose this social/economic/political topic?



Sample Solution

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
This source is a comprehensive document published by the United Nations outlining the inalienable rights of Indigenous peoples throughout the world. It details their right to self-determination, their right to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures, and languages, and outlines guidelines for states to consult with Indigenous peoples when enacting legislation that affects them. The UNDRIP also addresses issues such as health care access, education access, land rights, natural resource management, and repatriation of artifacts or remains taken without consent from Indigenous people. This document will be an important guide for my project as it provides a fundamental understanding of what rights need to be discussed when talking about Indigenous People’s struggles around the world.

Sample Solution

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
This source is a comprehensive document published by the United Nations outlining the inalienable rights of Indigenous peoples throughout the world. It details their right to self-determination, their right to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures, and languages, and outlines guidelines for states to consult with Indigenous peoples when enacting legislation that affects them. The UNDRIP also addresses issues such as health care access, education access, land rights, natural resource management, and repatriation of artifacts or remains taken without consent from Indigenous people. This document will be an important guide for my project as it provides a fundamental understanding of what rights need to be discussed when talking about Indigenous People’s struggles around the world.

Source #2: World Atlas article – “Indigenous People’s Day Around The World”
This source discusses how various countries recognize International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples each year on August 9th. Countries across Europe recognize this day through conferences or special events while other countries focus on initiatives that promote awareness about indigenous cultures and history. This source will be useful in my project because it gives specific examples of what different nations are doing to show support for indigenous populations around the world and I can use these concepts in creating artwork which shows solidarity with Indigenous people’s struggles globally.

Source #3: National Geographic article – “How Native Americans Use Technology To Protect Their Lands”
This source discusses how technology is being used by Native American tribes to protect their land from exploitation by corporations looking for resources like oil or uranium mines on tribal lands. It describes initiatives taken such as using drones equipped with cameras or satellite imagery mapping tools which help keep track of activities taking place within reservations so that any suspicious unauthorized activity can be reported quickly before any irreversible damage is done. This piece will be helpful in my project as it not only provides insight into some methods used by tribes today but also serves as an example showing how embracing new technologies can have positive effects towards protecting ancestral lands from corporate exploitation which is an issue still faced by many tribes today around the globe

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