In the coaching cycle, the pre-conference sets the tone for the teacher coaching and development process. It is during the pre-conference that expectations are made clear and the details of the process are discussed. Thoughtful principals will prepare ahead of time for the pre-conference, to consider the unique needs of the teacher with whom they will be meeting.
In this topic’s field experience, you will be conducting a pre-conference with a special education teacher. Before the pre-conference, write a 500-750 word summary developing the following questions. For each question, describe the responses you would expect to receive from a special education teacher, and how you might coach that teacher during the pre- or post-conference.
What questions might you ask about their lessons (i.e., objectives, state standards being addressed, activities, assessments, and materials)? What questions might you ask that would provide you with information about the students’ IEPs, accommodations, specific disabilities, etc.
What questions might you ask to identify the teacher’s plan to differentiate instruction?
What questions might you ask to identify areas where the teacher believes students struggle, and how the teacher will address these areas?
What questions might you ask to determine the teacher’s understanding of students’ prior knowledge and how, if at all, it has guided the instructional planning for this lesson?
What questions might you ask to determine the teacher’s classroom management plan and any behavior intervention plans for individual students?
Sample Solution
When conducting a pre-conference with a special education teacher, it is important to ask questions related to the lesson objectives, state standards being addressed, activities and assessments used in the lesson, as well as materials needed. For example, you might ask if there are any state standards or IEP goals that must be covered in the upcoming lesson. Additionally, you could inquire about how the lesson will be differentiated for students with varying needs and abilities.
Sample Solution
When conducting a pre-conference with a special education teacher, it is important to ask questions related to the lesson objectives, state standards being addressed, activities and assessments used in the lesson, as well as materials needed. For example, you might ask if there are any state standards or IEP goals that must be covered in the upcoming lesson. Additionally, you could inquire about how the lesson will be differentiated for students with varying needs and abilities.