Discusss points of overlap between Chekhov’s Sakhalin Island and The Duel.
Where does Chekhov come down on the problem of colonization in these works? Is he critical of all forms of colonization or does he believe that certain
kinds of colonization may have a “beneficial” effect (if so, for whom and what are the benefits)? What similarities may be found between the Russian
Empire’s use of the penal system as an instrument of colonization and the more familiar form of imperial expansion portrayed in The Duel? How does the
genre of each work inform and shape Chekhov’s approach?
be sure to state your thesis clearly and use the rest of your paper to provide concrete evidence in support of it. Don’t simply summarize the texts or make
subjective judgements about them (e.g., about authorial intention or the quality of the writing). Instead, quote and analyze passages from the texts, paying
close attention to such formal aspects as language, imagery, structure, and style. You do not need to provide a Bibliography, but be sure to cite page numbers
parenthetically (see link for some helpful suggestions about introducing quotations).
The dual https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13505/13505-h/13505-h.htm(cited chapter plz)


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