CASE B: Closet & Dr. Knowsitall
Inda Closet had always felt attracted to other women but had dated men from time to time because it was what her parents and society seemed to expect for her. Concerned about sexuality, fearful of social rejection, and wondering about how to explore her sexual feelings, Ms. Closet built up the courage to consult a psychotherapist and an appointment with Heda Knowsitall, PhD. After taking a brief history, she informed Ms. Closet that based on her “history of dating men” she had a heterosexual drive. When Ms. Closet hesitantly, attempted to raise her concerns about the conclusion, Dr. Knowsitall brushed her aside and in a confident voice reassured Ms. Closet that she was well qualified in these matters and that the focus of therapy needed to be on how to get over her fear of dating and learn how to date men with more confidence.
Pick one of the above cases and answer each of the three questions for the selected case:
1. Based on your reading of textbook chapter(s) what are the ethical issue(s) in this case, if any? Describe them in a sentence or two referencing the textbook.
2. Explain the ethical challenge by drawing on the necessary elements of ethical code(s) & principles. Use either AAMFT or APA as per your discipline. In your words, tell us which ethical principle(s) (Koocher & Keith-Spiegel, 2016, p.5) are you drawing upon?
3. Based on the case you picked, if you were the therapist on the case a. For Case A: How would you respond to Arnold? OR for Case B: How would you have responded to Ms. Closet when she raised concerns about your clinical conclusions of “heterosexual drive?”
b. Tell us how you decided YOUR best course of action? Which factors did you consider? What is/are the relational ethics issue(s)? How are you attending to it? (Clue: think about the therapeutic relationship, the client & your values, the law, the context, your competency, theory, etc in addition to ethical principles/codes etc).


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Case B: Closet & Dr. Knowsitall

The ethical issue in this case is related to the therapist’s assumption and dismissal of Ms. Closet’s concerns about her sexual orientation, which goes against the ethical principle of nonmaleficence. According to Koocher & Keith-Spiegel (2016), nonmaleficence involves avoiding harm to clients and refraining from actions that could potentially cause harm or neglect their well-being.

The ethical challenge in this case is the therapist’s failure to respect and validate Ms. Closet’s concerns about her sexual orientation. The therapist’s behavior goes against the principles of respect for autonomy and beneficence. Respect for autonomy emphasizes the importance of respecting clients’ right to make decisions about their own lives, including their sexual orientation. Beneficence involves acting in the best interest of the client and promoting their well-being. By dismissing Ms. Closet’s concerns and focusing solely on heterosexuality, the therapist is failing to promote her well-being and respect her autonomy.

If I were the therapist in this case, when Ms. Closet raised concerns about my clinical conclusions of a “heterosexual drive,” I would respond by acknowledging and validating her feelings. I would let her know that her concerns are valid and that it is important for her to explore her own identity and feelings regarding her sexuality.

To decide on my best course of action, I would consider multiple factors. Firstly, I would reflect on the therapeutic relationship and the importance of establishing trust and rapport with the client. I would prioritize creating a safe and nonjudgmental space where Ms. Closet feels comfortable expressing herself. Secondly, I would consider my competency as a therapist in addressing issues related to sexual orientation and LGBTQ+ concerns. If I lack experience or knowledge in this area, I would seek supervision or consultation from experts who can guide me in providing appropriate support.

Relational ethics also come into play in this case. It is crucial to recognize the power dynamics inherent in the therapist-client relationship and ensure that the client’s autonomy and well-being are prioritized. This involves being aware of any personal biases or beliefs that may influence my clinical judgment and making a conscious effort to set them aside. Furthermore, I would consider the legal and ethical obligations outlined by relevant professional codes such as the APA or AAMFT code of ethics.

In conclusion, as the therapist in this case, I would respond to Ms. Closet’s concerns by validating her feelings and emphasizing the importance of exploring her own identity and sexuality. I would consider factors such as the therapeutic relationship, my competency, professional codes of ethics, and relational ethics issues to ensure that Ms. Closet’s autonomy is respected, her well-being is promoted, and she feels supported in her journey of self-discovery.

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