Select one film, TV series, TV episode, book, etc., that contains some sort of myth, urban legend, cryptid, horror combination. For this selected project, please complete a 4-5 page, double-spaced, 12 font analysis


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Analysis of the TV Series “Supernatural”


“Supernatural” is a popular TV series that delves into the realm of myths, urban legends, cryptids, and horror elements. With its captivating storytelling and well-developed characters, the show has garnered a dedicated fan base over the years. This analysis will explore how “Supernatural” effectively combines these different elements to create a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers.

Thesis Statement

Through its clever integration of myths, urban legends, cryptids, and horror themes, “Supernatural” not only entertains audiences but also offers insightful commentary on human nature and the unknown.

Mythological Elements

One of the key strengths of “Supernatural” lies in its use of various mythological elements from different cultures. The show draws inspiration from diverse mythologies, including Norse, Greek, and Judeo-Christian beliefs, to create a rich tapestry of supernatural beings and phenomena. By weaving these myths into its narrative, “Supernatural” explores timeless themes such as destiny, fate, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Urban Legends and Cryptids

In addition to traditional myths, “Supernatural” also incorporates urban legends and cryptids into its storytelling. The Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, often encounter creatures from folklore and urban myths, such as the Mothman, Wendigo, and Bloody Mary. By bringing these legends to life on screen, the show taps into our primal fears and fascinations with the unknown, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.

Horror Themes

As a horror-themed series, “Supernatural” excels in creating a sense of dread and suspense through its atmospheric storytelling and chilling visuals. The show explores a wide range of horror tropes, from haunted houses and demonic possessions to ghostly apparitions and cosmic entities. By immersing viewers in a world filled with supernatural threats, “Supernatural” keeps audiences on the edge of their seats while delivering thought-provoking narratives.

Commentary on Human Nature

Beyond its entertainment value, “Supernatural” also offers insightful commentary on human nature and morality. The Winchester brothers grapple with complex ethical dilemmas as they navigate a world rife with monsters and malevolent forces. Through their struggles, the show explores themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the enduring power of family bonds. By confronting the darkness within themselves and others, Sam and Dean Winchester embody the eternal struggle between light and shadow that resonates with viewers on a profound level.


In conclusion, “Supernatural” stands out as a compelling TV series that skillfully combines myths, urban legends, cryptids, and horror themes to create a riveting narrative that captivates audiences. By drawing from diverse mythologies and folklore, the show offers a fresh take on familiar stories while delving into universal themes that resonate with viewers. Through its exploration of human nature and morality, “Supernatural” transcends its genre trappings to deliver a thought-provoking commentary on the complexities of existence. As fans eagerly await each new episode, it is clear that the legacy of “Supernatural” will endure as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling in all its supernatural glory.

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