Write a discussion essay based on the research available on “What are the consequences of becoming an online society.” Explore the multifaceted consequences of transitioning into an online society and its impact on various critical topics. Drawing upon the insights presented in the available research, analyze and discuss the implications for the following subjects, and how does this viewpoint effect the topics: Mass shootings in America, Climate change; limitations on rights, freedom of speech; and mistrust of the media. How are conventions such as politics and the economy, being disturbed by Social Networking in this digital society?
Structure of the paper:
o 1st page- Talk about methods and strategies that went into the research of the work.
o 2nd page- Introduce the expository elements that will be displayed in the paper.
o 3rd -6th pages- discuss the expository elements concerning the subject matter of the essay.
o 7th page- The conclusion, encapsulate the result of the paper.

Remember the objective is to present exposition through discussion. Present as many sides as possible in this essay.
Write an argumentative discussion concerning the justification of the essay?

1. Present your thesis clearly in the introduction?
2. Consider your purpose and audience
3. Vary sentence structure.
4. Use rich, standard vocabulary.
5. Support points with details and examples
6. is it clear and appropriate expository style.
7. Make the text unified.
8. Emphasize the most important points.
9. Include a conclusion
10. Proofread the paper!


Sample Answer

Sample Answer


Research Paper: Consequences of Becoming an Online Society

Page 1: Research Methods

The research for this paper involved a comprehensive review of academic articles, reports, and studies related to the consequences of transitioning into an online society. Various research methodologies were employed, including qualitative and quantitative analyses, literature reviews, and case studies. The data collected from reputable sources informed the discussions on the implications of an online society on critical topics such as mass shootings, climate change, freedom of speech, mistrust of the media, politics, and the economy.

Page 2: Introduction

Transitioning into an online society has brought about significant changes and challenges across various aspects of life. This paper aims to delve into the multifaceted consequences of this shift and its impact on critical topics such as mass shootings in America, climate change, limitations on rights, freedom of speech, mistrust of the media, politics, and the economy. By analyzing insights from available research, we will explore how conventions are being disrupted by social networking in this digital era.

Page 3-6: Expository Elements

Mass Shootings in America

The online society has facilitated the spread of misinformation and radicalization, potentially contributing to the rise in mass shootings. Social media platforms have been used to amplify extremist ideologies and incite violence, posing a significant threat to public safety.

Climate Change

While the digital age has enabled greater awareness of environmental issues like climate change, it has also led to increased energy consumption and electronic waste. The carbon footprint of online activities contributes to environmental degradation, highlighting the need for sustainable practices in a digital society.

Limitations on Rights, Freedom of Speech

The online space presents a battleground for freedom of speech, with concerns about censorship, online harassment, and privacy violations. Balancing the right to express opinions with the need to combat hate speech and disinformation remains a contentious issue in the digital age.

Mistrust of the Media

The proliferation of fake news and misinformation online has eroded trust in traditional media sources. Social media algorithms that prioritize sensational content have fueled skepticism and polarization, challenging the credibility of journalistic integrity.

Disturbances in Politics and the Economy

Social networking platforms have revolutionized political communication and activism but have also been exploited for propaganda and manipulation. The influence of online communities on public opinion and electoral outcomes has disrupted conventional political processes and economic systems.

Page 7: Conclusion

In conclusion, the transition to an online society has far-reaching consequences across various critical topics. From shaping public discourse to influencing societal norms and behaviors, the digital age presents both opportunities and challenges that necessitate careful consideration and proactive measures. By acknowledging the impacts on mass shootings, climate change, freedom of speech, media trust, politics, and the economy, we can navigate the complexities of an online society with awareness and adaptability.




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