In the second half of the semester, we covered the creation of the NAACP, African Americans in the World Wars, Tulsa, the Harlem Renaissance, The Nation of Islam, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and The Black Power Movement. These were all movements built around the idea of community and a fight for the struggle for that community. Each movement and the impactful leaders involved caused a significant change in American society but current events suggest that there is still work to be done.
Lean on history to predict how we can address some of the issues the African American community faces today.
Consider a conflict that the African American community faces or has faced in recent years. I’d like you to discuss, based on the movements we covered in class, what “change” would mean for addressing that conflict. Some examples of conflicts might be racial disparities in law enforcement, the Black Lives Matter movement, the impact of voter suppression on communities of color, or any other of your choosing.
You should seek to address the following questions: What does change look like in the context of the problem? How is the African American community affected by the problem? How can ‘community’ be built around the conflict and therefore cause change?

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Addressing Contemporary Issues in the African American Community: Drawing Lessons from History


Throughout history, the African American community has faced numerous challenges and injustices, leading to the rise of movements aimed at promoting equality and justice. While significant progress has been made, recent events highlight the ongoing struggles faced by African Americans today. Drawing from the lessons of past movements such as the NAACP, Harlem Renaissance, and Black Power Movement, we can gain insights into how to address contemporary issues affecting the community.

Thesis Statement

To effectively address the challenges facing the African American community today, it is essential to understand the significance of community-building, collective action, and empowerment, as demonstrated by historical movements. By fostering unity, advocating for change, and engaging in activism, the African American community can work towards overcoming racial disparities in law enforcement, combating voter suppression, and advancing social justice causes.

Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement


Addressing racial disparities in law enforcement involves implementing reforms that promote accountability, transparency, and equity within police departments. This includes adopting community policing strategies, enhancing officer training on implicit bias and cultural sensitivity, and establishing civilian oversight boards to ensure accountability.

Impact on the African American Community:

Racial disparities in law enforcement have led to increased incidents of police brutality, wrongful convictions, and systemic discrimination against African Americans. This has eroded trust in law enforcement agencies and perpetuated feelings of fear and injustice within the community.

Building Community:

To address these disparities, the African American community can mobilize through grassroots initiatives, advocacy campaigns, and partnerships with civil rights organizations. By organizing peaceful protests, advocating for policy changes, and engaging in dialogue with law enforcement officials, the community can work towards creating a more just and equitable system.

Voter Suppression in Communities of Color


Combatting voter suppression requires implementing measures that protect voting rights, expand access to polling stations, and increase voter education initiatives within communities of color. This includes challenging discriminatory voting laws, advocating for automatic voter registration, and mobilizing voters to participate in local and national elections.

Impact on the African American Community:

Voter suppression tactics such as strict voter ID laws, gerrymandering, and purging voter rolls disproportionately affect communities of color, including African Americans. By limiting their ability to vote and have their voices heard, these tactics undermine the democratic process and perpetuate systemic inequalities.

Building Community:

To address voter suppression, the African American community can organize voter registration drives, educate community members on their rights, and collaborate with advocacy groups to challenge discriminatory practices. By empowering individuals to exercise their right to vote and participate in the democratic process, the community can work towards achieving greater political representation and influence.


In conclusion, by drawing on the lessons of past movements that emphasized community-building, solidarity, and activism, the African American community can effectively address contemporary issues such as racial disparities in law enforcement and voter suppression. Through collective action, advocacy for change, and a commitment to social justice, the community can work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all. As history has shown, united we stand, divided we fall – together, we can bring about meaningful change.


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