Much of the research on serial killers has been conducted in the United States, including your required readings above which outline the various explanations or motivations for serial homicide.

Which of these do you find most compelling and why?

Next, select a name from the list of Canadian serial killers below and search the internet for what is known about this individual.( Gilbert Paul Jordan-

Which of the explanations or motivations are the most relevant to the serial killer selected? How well does his profile fit what we know about the demographics of serial killers and their relationships with victims?

Discuss your findings with your group.

Analysis of Serial Killer Motivations and Case Study

Most Compelling Explanation

While various theories have been proposed to explain serial killing, I find the psychosocial theory to be the most compelling. This theory suggests that serial killers are often individuals who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect in their childhood, leading to the development of psychological disorders and distorted worldviews. These factors, combined with other individual characteristics such as impulsivity and lack of empathy, can contribute to the development of homicidal tendencies.

Analysis of Serial Killer Motivations and Case Study

Most Compelling Explanation

While various theories have been proposed to explain serial killing, I find the psychosocial theory to be the most compelling. This theory suggests that serial killers are often individuals who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect in their childhood, leading to the development of psychological disorders and distorted worldviews. These factors, combined with other individual characteristics such as impulsivity and lack of empathy, can contribute to the development of homicidal tendencies.

Gilbert Paul Jordan

Gilbert Paul Jordan was a Canadian serial killer who murdered at least four women in British Columbia in the 1990s. His victims were all young women who were sexually assaulted and strangled.

Relevant Motivations

The psychosocial theory is particularly relevant to Jordan’s case. He had a history of abuse and neglect as a child, which may have contributed to the development of his distorted worldview and violent tendencies. Additionally, his crimes involved sexual assault, suggesting a possible sexual motivation.

Demographics of Serial Killers

Jordan’s profile fits the typical demographics of serial killers in several ways:

  • Male: The vast majority of serial killers are male.
  • Young to Middle-Aged: Jordan was in his late 20s and early 30s when he committed his crimes, which is consistent with the typical age range of serial killers.
  • History of Abuse: Many serial killers have a history of abuse or neglect, as was the case with Jordan.
  • Victims: Jordan’s victims were all young women, which is consistent with the pattern of many serial killers who target vulnerable victims.


The case of Gilbert Paul Jordan highlights the complex factors that can contribute to serial killing. While the psychosocial theory provides a compelling explanation for his crimes, it is important to note that no single theory can fully account for the motivations of all serial killers. Understanding the underlying factors that contribute to serial killing is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies.

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