With reference to the book king Richard III by William Shakespeare explore the nature of tragedy.
This will be a research essay, and textual evidence and analysis, you will further support your thesis by making use of three critics discussing the texts or a relevant issue. You might use the critics to support your ideas, you might learn something from them that is useful in terms of factual or contextual information, or you might use them by disagreeing with them. Remember, though, that whether you quote directly, paraphrase, or even learn some facts that you incorporate into the essay, you must always cite your source at the appropriate place in the essay and in the bibliography. Failure to cite your sources is a form of plagiarism.
Remember that textual evidence (quotations) and analysis are necessary to prove your argument. Plot summary is not evidence. Introduce the relevant textual context and quotations at the appropriate points in your argument, not by retelling the story. Remember too to explain clearly how and why the quotation supports your claims.
Here are the sources to relate the quotes from.
Bloom, Harold, ed. Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. New York, 1998. [A good collection of essays on various aspects of Sophocles’ most famous play.] Jenkyns, Richard. Classical Epic. [A good introduction to epic, to Homer, and to Vergil.] Jones, Peter. Homer’s Odyssey: A Commentary. [A line-by-line commentary.] Clark, George. Beowulf. [A good overview of the poem and its issues.] Irving, Edward B. Jr. Introduction to Beowulf. [Likewise.] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: An Annotated Bibliography, 1978-1989. Ed. Meg Stainsby. Garland, 1992. Putter, Ad. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian Romance. Clarendon, 1995.

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