Think of an ethical dilemma that you have faced or think you may be faced with in the future. If you are not comfortable addressing a dilemma you have faced or may face, you are welcome to explore a dilemma that has appeared in the news, a book, a movie, etc. (For example, one of my previous students explored the dilemma in the movie My Sister’s Keeper). Write an essay using the following questions to guide your paper.
- What are the facts of the ethical dilemma that you are discussing?
- What are the different options you can choose?
- How might different ethical approaches guide you in your decision making?
- Of the approaches that fit you best (egoism, utilitarianism, common good and so on) which approaches do you find most relevant to the situation and how might they guide you?
- What is the role of respect, responsibility, integrity, competence, and concern on your decision making?
- What role do the 6 core values of the University (justice, equality, responsibility, integrity, respect and altruism) play in your decision making process.
- Summarize your decision.
- Consider your decision in retrospect. What worked well? What worked poorly? What would you do in the future if you found yourself with the same dilemma?
- The paper must be at least 750 words.
- You should be sure to cover as many of the questions above as possible (if necessary, print out your essay and highlight the portions of your paper that specifically address each of the questions above to insure that you are on the right track).
- Font should be Times New Roman (12 point font) and double-spaced.
- If references are used, they must be cited using APA or MLA style.
Other tips for success:
-Is your essay well organized?
-Is the thesis clear and does it appear towards the bottom of your introductory paragraph (it is usually the last sentence in an introductory paragraph)?
-Does each topic sentence clearly articulate the content of the entire paragraph (a topic sentence is generally the first sentence of every paragraph)?
Sample Solution