Create a screenplay for a short film. This screenplay should be 7 pages or less, so you will need to adjust
the scale and scope to fit into this limitation. Below, I am linking to some resources that will teach you how
to go about this process. Please read all of this before beginning your screenplay. You may refer to your
treatment (if you completed Alternate Project 1) and this screenplay can tell that story (or a portion of that
story, if your treatment was larger in scope). If you have access to word-processing software, you may
follow the guidelines for formatting in the linked guide entitled “How to Write a Movie Script.” If you do not
have access to word-processing software, you may try downloading free software like WPS office. If you
are working on a phone, you may simply type your screenplay as a text submission.
After reading the links below but before you begin writing the actual screenplay, you will want to brainstorm
and organize your thoughts. I personally find it helpful to use pen and paper during the early stages of
writing. Create an outline and give yourself some time to play around with your ideas. Before you actually
write the screenplay, you should know who the characters are, what their motivation is, and what is
happening in this scene. Once you have a solid understanding of those elements, think about how you are
going to tell this story. What is the sequence of events and how would you like this to play out on screen.
What does the camera see? Where are the characters? How fast does it move along? A 7-page script
would usually translate to less than 7 minutes on screen (depending on how it is written). Consider how
much of a story can be told in that amount of time. In approximately 5 minutes, we can come to learn a lot
about a character if that time is used wisely. If you try to write too many characters or propel the story too
far in that short span of time, you may find yourself wrestling with too many technical details; making this
task much more daunting.
Please read the following before beginning:
Sample Solution