Click the link above and watch this documentary called “Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos.”
Click the link above and watch this documentary called “Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos.” After doing so, please answer the following questions (please visit the textbook if you are not familiar with any of the following concepts so you won’t misunderstand the questions).

Part 1: Chapter 5: Business-level strategy (Amazon’s business in e-commerce retail industry)

  1. What do you think Amazon’s business-level strategy is according to exhibit 5.1 of chapter 5 (remember that strategies can be combined)? Cite information from the documentary to support your answer. (10 points)
  2. Jeff Bezos said that he decided to start with selling books online, instead of any other product, because there were more items in book categories than there were items in any other category. Can you think of another reason that made him choose first to sell book online (feel free to speculate as long as your argument is logical)? (5 points)

Part 2: Chapter 6: Corporate-level strategy

1.According to the documentary, name all the business Amazon has ventured into. (5 points)

  1. In order to achieve economies of scope, Amazon needs to leverage its core competence. What is Amazon’s core competence? Determine and analyze its core competence using the three criteria (Criteria are written under leveraging core competencies in chapter 6). (15 points)
  2. What are the potential benefits and risks of Amazon’s related diversification? Will the benefits outweigh the risks or vice versa in the long term? (15 points)

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