When you arrive at the scene of a crime, you must follow certain procedures to ensure the admissibility of evidence. For this assignment, you will use a case file of a real crime scene and assume the role of the crime scene investigator. You will create a presentation in which you document your process, present your findings, and provide an evaluation of the scene in a narrated PowerPoint or presentation tool of your choice.


Choose one of the following cases from your textbook resource:

“He Hit Her Until She Fell… and That Was Just the Beginning,” Brandl, pp. 363–373.
“A Mutilation Murder,” Brandl, p. 670.

Then, create a 5–10 minute presentation in which you:

Identify the tools you used to evaluate the crime scene. Provide a rationale for your choices.
Outline the steps you took to secure the crime scene.
Describe the techniques and procedures you used to process the crime scene, including a list of the evidence collected. Explain the reasons for your procedures.
Describe the steps you took to preserve the evidence and provide an explanation for your process.
Provide photos of the crime scene.
Create a crime scene map that illustrates the crime scene upon arrival.
Narrate your presentation to walk the audience through the crime scene.


Sample Solution

For this presentation, I will be discussing the case file titled “He Hit Her Until She Fell… and That Was Just the Beginning” by Brandl (pp. 363-373). The tools I used to evaluate the crime scene involved documenting my observations of the site and occupants at the scene using a written report, taking photographs and videos for reference points, sketching out a preliminary diagram or map of the area to document spatial relations between key features or evidence found at the scene, collecting samples of any trace evidence such as hairs or fibers that may have been left behind by a perpetrator, testing any latent fingerprints on objects at the scene that may lead back to an individual suspect in question, and utilizing specialized instruments such as luminol spray to detect potential blood spatter patterns from blunt force trauma.


Sample Solution

For this presentation, I will be discussing the case file titled “He Hit Her Until She Fell… and That Was Just the Beginning” by Brandl (pp. 363-373). The tools I used to evaluate the crime scene involved documenting my observations of the site and occupants at the scene using a written report, taking photographs and videos for reference points, sketching out a preliminary diagram or map of the area to document spatial relations between key features or evidence found at the scene, collecting samples of any trace evidence such as hairs or fibers that may have been left behind by a perpetrator, testing any latent fingerprints on objects at the scene that may lead back to an individual suspect in question, and utilizing specialized instruments such as luminol spray to detect potential blood spatter patterns from blunt force trauma.


To secure and process the crime scene properly I first made sure no unauthorized personnel were allowed access into it until all evidence had been collected. Then I took detailed notes about what was seen visually upon arrival. Afterward I analyzed each element of it separately while keeping careful track of where exactly within its parameters certain items were located including anything potentially related to victim injury weapon used etc . Next proceeded cover surface areas likely contain fingerprint other biological evidence carefully bagging tagging saving them lab analysis finally photographed entire location order enhance narrative provide visual backup findings when needed future reference .

Once done canvassing collected photographic evidence ensured each item remained intact proper condition order prevent contamination tampering with; same scrutiny applied documents letters obtained during search warrant execution double checking signatures validity information provided thereon ultimately linking person interest possible involvement events leading up crime itself . Finally created crime scene map showing major landmarks positions occupied respective parties present day along path taken victim prior attack providing investigators further insight into what happened why could yielded valuable clues aiding their investigations unmasking true identity person responsible .

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